Amazing eye candy delivering tasty eggs. In addition to enhancing the beauty of your lawn, the hens earn their keep gifting a steady supply of large brown eggs. Even their eggs are gorgeous! The brown eggs often present heartwarming speckles adding a touch of personality and uniqueness. ​They are a loveable breed that is kid friendly. Docile nature and a little sass is the recipe for never-ending entertainment. By handling the chicks regularly, they will bond to your family. Chickens can recognize over 2,000 faces. Homesteaders that seek finding a hen that is hardly enough to withstand negative temperatures, the Wyandotte’s dense plumage keeps them comfortable in that type of weather. The Wyandotte sports a rose comb which fits snugly to their heads following the contours towards her back providing frostbite protection.
Gifts 3-4 Large Brown (Possible Speckles) Eggs a Week
They prefer to be able to have room to roam and forage. They should have a minimum of 10 square feet per bird but are much happier with 40+ square feet. The more room you provide, the less you have to clean the run. Their foraging skills means they will consume less feed providing they have adequate foraging space. Our ladies have an innate desire to forage. We do not like hens to be wired to depend solely on obtain their meal from a feeder, instead they crave and thrive in an environment where they can peck and scratch to roam pasture and help turn compost.
The Wyandotte intense mothering instinct can kick in and she may go broody which is great if you are looking for a natural incubator to hatch some new chicks for you. If this is not a behavior you want to encourage, be sure to collect eggs frequently in the warmer months.
Wyandotte hens have the appearance and strong personality of an actress. They know they look good. They are docile and friendly, however may seem to be aloof. They love to talk. They are a good hardy breed if you are just starting out with chickens.
The Wyandotte is an American breed, originally named after a native American tribe called the "Wendat". The name was changed by settlers in the 19th Century. The breed standard  was developed with several bloodlines over the years such as:  Silver Sebright, Silver Spangled Hamburg, Cochins and Pekins. The very first Wyandotte was a Silver laced, bred in Wisconsin, USA. It remains one of the most popular. The Wyandotte was accepted as a breed in the USA in 1883; it was not introduced into the UK until the 1890s.
In the United States, nine colors are recognized in the Standard of Perfection of the American Poultry Association: black (1893), blue (1977), buff (1893), Columbian (1905), golden laced (1888), partridge (1893), silver laced (1883) and silver penciled (1902).
Several communities have laws in which roosters are not allowed. The sex of a Wyandotte being reliably identifiable by external characteristics on average is 90%.  Inspecting the vent as day olds reveals their sex.  Thus, industry standard is to offer as a female chick or pullet. To assist city families, we offer with your choice of female coverage or DNA sexed.

American Bresse Ayam Cemani Barnevelder Barred Plymouth Rock Bielefelder Brahma Breeder's Choice Cream Legbar Easter Egger Frizzle Isbar (Silverudd's Blues) Marans Olive Egger Orpington Polish Rhode Island Salmon Faverolle Serenity Cross Sussex Silkie
Wyandotte Hatching Experience Starter Flock Set Up