It is highly recommended to order serveral eggs as not all eggs lead to a sucessful hatch. If you do not like the risk of hatching eggs, we recommend buying as chicks. If breed is not important, we offer our assorted dozens for a significant discount.
We raise several feather colors. Only order if you do not have a feather color choice. Some of the possible feather colors include APA (American Poultry Association) standard colors such as bearded and non-bearded: buff, splash, blue, self-blue, partridge, grey, black, white, and other unique colors not recognized by APA. We are consistently working on improving the breed and developing new colors.
Why we like the breed:
Silkie chickens are precisely as they appear funny, cuddly, soft feathers, and looking to be your friend. If you're looking for an adorable, sweet-natured 'teddy bear' companion, this is the right breed. They are one of the friendliest chicken varieties and will appreciate your attention and company. Their unique appearance also makes them a popular exhibition bird. Silkie chicks can have clean faces or have a muff and beard. Most have a crest. For show, they need to have five black toes.
Silkies are great garden girls. You can plant brassicas (cabbage plants) in their run area. The Silkies will keep the caterpillars and other pests at bay and fertilize the plants at the same time. It is delightful to observe the hens drink the droplets of fresh morning dew from the leaves like nectar. Permaculture means solving problems naturally. Spent bedding is a great addition to your compost pile adding much needed carbon, nitrogen and nutrients.
Gifts 2-3 white small eggs a week
If you're looking for a friendly, chatty, sweet-natured poultry pal as a first bird for your children or a companion for yourself, you may just have found your ideal. Silkie chickens are exactly as they look - funny, cuddly and very kind. They are one of the few chickens who would be happy to be kept in an apartment. Keep in mind they will need a chicken buddy. If you are low on space, Silkies are happy to be contained in a mud-free run. Their downy feathers mean they can't fly so roost bars need to be lower. Silkies go broody often and make excellent mothers even if hatching others’ eggs.
Believed to be originated in China during the Han dynasty. The Chinese term for Silkie is wu-gu-ji, which means black boned. In 1298, Marco Polo bragged about seeing a bird with black skin and "hair like a cat" on his travels to china. Considering Silkies, produce more carnosine compared to other poultry, they were used in Chinese medicine. Marco Polo introduced the first Silkie chickens to the western world. Silkies made their big debut in the 1900s. Several patrons paid to view the traveling circus side show ‘freaks” attraction where Silkies were described as "Chickens with fur instead of feathers".
Six Pack of Eggs: Silkie
Fertilized Hatching Eggs
Experience firsthand the joy and amazement of an egg developing in to a cute, fluffy, downy baby chick in just 3 weeks. If you are looking to learn or teach children about the cycle of life, hatching eggs can incorporate lots of learning from math, science, reading, writing, and a better appreciation for life and where our food comes from. Our hatching experience package includes fun curriculum to learn as the eggs hatch. If egg color is important to you, it is nice to hatch chicks from the exact egg color shade that you are looking for.
If you are lucky enough to have a broody hen, all you need is 3 weeks of warm weather, nesting box herbs for your hard-working hen, and she will do the rest! An incubator that can sustain appropriate temperature and humidity is needed for eggs to hatch if you do not have the luxury of a broody hen. During the first 18 days, the eggs need to be turned (we have auto turning incubators). Once hatched, the baby chicks need a brooder home.
As in nature of all births, you can expect 50% to be female and 50% to be males. We offer hatching experience packages in which we can home any unwanted chicks such as roosters. For those that need eggs shipped, hatch ratio can decrease from 95% to 50%.
Chick (Newborn - 4 weeks old)
If you are looking to build a bond from the beginning, baby chicks are perfect. Most chicks can be sexed with 80-95% accuracy unlike eggs. There is a cost savings by ordering babies versus older chickens. We usually have most
Baby chicks require a heat source, water, food, grit, and protection. During the 1st week chicks’ ideal temperature is 95F. Each week the chicks’ temperature should be turned down by 5 degrees to help acclimate to cooler temperatures. We offer complete flock start up packages which includes everything needed including the rental of our professional brooders.
Observing their health and behavior is important to ensure they get the care they need. Chicks have a higher mortality rate than older chickens. Stressed chicks will get pastey-butt and their dried droppings need to be cleaned from their vents. Cold chicks will huddle and hot chicks will try their best to escape the heat.
Starter Pullets 5 - 10 weeks old
Chickens are considered coop ready as they no longer need to be in your home. They are fully feathered and ready to forage outside. They are still young enough if you want to develop a bond. Sexing is more obvious as bright red combs develop on single comb rooster breeds at 5 weeks of age.
While defined as coop ready, if purchased in cold months where temperatures are less than 45 degrees at night, supplement heat is needed in their coops or they need to be insulated to ensure never dropping below 45 degrees in their coop (full straw bale walls).
This age group is popular and some breeds may not be available. There is still a slight chance that your pullet is really a rooster.
Starter Pullets 2 - 4 Months Old
If you are looking for eggs quickly, this is the age you want. Ladies are getting closer to point of lay. Soon there will be no denying hen vs rooster. These girls are in the final stages of a fully developed immune system.
Hens have a higher need for calcium to avoid getting egg bound and to produce nice egg shells. Offer free choice oyster shells. Soft egg shells or getting an egg stuck in their vent is caused by low calcium. They do not need heat in their coops and are durable even though cold winters providing they have adequate shelter.
Young hens are sold at a premium as all the hard work has been done and there is considerably less of a waiting period before enjoying the delectable eggs.