Freeze drying is the perfect method to store fresh foods for long term storage and everyday use. If you decide a freeze dryer is the right fit for your family, we ask that you use our affilate link to bless us will a small commission while extending the same or auto discounted purchase price to your family.
Below you will find a quick list of foods that freeze dry well according to the manufacture.
We have experienced that most things freeze dry well. There are some tips we have learned along the way. Such as how to freeze dry eggs to avoid a tapioca texture when rehydrating. Fruits such as apples, peaches, bananas and avacodos have a tendency to oxidize. You can prevent this by spraying them with a citric juice such as lemon, pineapple, or orange. This will keep your fruits looking freshly cut when they are done freeze-drying.
I always recommend blanching certain foods before freeze-drying. Think of it the same way you would about home canning. Blanching helps the food to be the right texture and color when you cook foods later. It works the same with freeze-drying. If you don't blanch potatoes first they will turn black when you rehydrate. The other foods to blanch first include: carrots, beans, asparagus, and parsnips.
While most foods keep the form of their fresh state, things with a high sugar content fluff up when freeze dried. Thus, candy is dubbed the social media frenzy.
Oreos are so low in moisture that they do better if left out for about a week to reach a stale state to obtain more moisture before freeze drying. This is a great science lesson for kiddos. One would typically hypothesize the opposite. Most foods dry out when they go stale. However, Oreos are actually drier that the surrounding air. Thus, they absorb atmosperic moisture. This gives the Oreos a softer texture and prepares them to freeze-dry better.
At lower temperatures, honey becomes a glassy amorphous solid that is non-crystalline. Thus, the results of freeze drying it is not considered well. However, you can add a teaspoon of cane sugar mixed with each 2/3 cup of honey to freeze dry and blend into a freeze-dried honey powder.
Peanut butter, pure chocolate, butter, syrup, oils, and jam also pose challenges to freeze dry. Considering the vast variety of foods the freeze dryer can provide long term storage for, a home freeze dryer is definately worth the investment.
Please share your favorite freeze dried food/ meal in the comments.