Knowledge unlocks the ability to make the right choice for your family. Learn about what to feed, when to feed it, and how much feed you need specific to your flock.
It puzzles me why someone would feed the same commercial pellets as factory farms when they invest so much time into their backyard flock. This guide helps introduce organic options for each age group in your flock and highlights various feed methods. Knowledge unlocks the ability to make the right informed choice since your family will be consuming their eggs.

The cost of organic feed often limits families from affording to do what is right. By simply adding water, you can increase the nutrient value of our seeds and grains and increase the yield from 50lbs to 150lbs. Enjoy seeing every ingredient and have confidence in exactly what hens gifting your family eggs are consuming.
By feeding daily, there is no left over feed to attract rodents. Since their are no animals fats in the mix, the feed does not go rancid and has the longest self life.

Scratch and Peck Feeds was the first organic chicken feed manufacturer in North America to receive the official badges of USDA Certified Organic and Non-GMO Verified. They produce premium animal feeds sourced from North American farmers, growers, and producers. Free of soy and other non-essential ingredients and fillers.
Envisioning a world where organic and whole foods are found on every table, organic culture is dominant, animals are humanely raised, and people understand that you are what your animals eat.
Chickens don’t have teeth. They use their beaks to tear larger food pieces and swallow whole. The food is stored in their crop. From there, it is passed to the gizzard. The gizzard is a strong muscle that moves the grit around, grinding the food down before it passes to the next step of digestion, where digestive enzymes take over. Lack of grit can cause food to sit in the crop and rot (sour crop) or the crop and gizzard become impacted.

Oyster shells contain about 2% protein and over 95% of calcium carbonate. It is not a replacement for grit as it is soluble. Roosters and baby chicks don’t need extra calcium. Hens 16+ weeks need extra calcium as they transfer 20x the calcium needed for their bones to their egg shells. Each hen will have their own individual need for the amount of calcium needed. Thus, Oyster shells are fed in a separate container for the hens to have free choice. Lack of calcium endangers their health.
Egg shells are 95% calcium carbonate. Thin or soft shells or with no shell at all, is a sign of calcium deficiency. Prolonged deficiency may lead to lethal egg binding or infection from the egg breaking inside the hen. Hens stop laying eggs or reduce their egg production due to stress, change in weather, overcrowding, and broodiness. Otherwise, they may be lacking in calcium. Hens lose lots of energy while they are laying eggs. So if they are out of balance frequently, having difficulty in walking, or having stiff legs, they probably need more calcium. Prolonged deficiency can cause the hen to take the calcium from their bones to use for their egg shells, resulting in bone injuries, lameness, inability to stand straight.

What your hen eats impacts the taste of the eggs significantly. Too much omega 3 is the culprit causing eggs to have an awful fishy taste and horrific smell. Herbs smell good, chickens love it, and you can feel good knowing exactly what your flock is consuming. Each herb is a powerhouse and the combination of herbs we use, is packed with vitamins and minerals. Including A (eye health), B, B12, C E, K (blood clotting), calcium (bone health), iron, magnesium, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin magnesium, phosphorus, selenium (prevents wry neck), folate, potassium, phytonutrients, and zinc. Herbs promote mucus membrane and respiratory system health, keeps fungus at bay, antioxidant properties, aids digestion, anti-inflammatory, supports bone and artery growth, supports disease prevention, enhances reproductive health (egg laying), fosters feather growth, increase egg production, blood cleanser, supports immune system to help combat coccidiosis, salmonella, infectious bronchitis, avian flu, E. coli, and respiratory health, antiseptic, insecticide, stimulates nerves, brain and blood functions, eases fatigue, and creates brilliant orange yolks. .
Unlike us, chickens can handle eating insanely hot peppers. Pericytes, such as worms, release themselves from their host when exposed. Below is the natural worm prevention recipe we feed monthly:
1/3 cup Sprouts or Fermented Feed
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon African Bird Pepper
1 Tablespoon Herbs
1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar

0 - 8 Weeks
Crumble is excellent if you just want to have a dry feed to provide with the least amount of effort. It is also easier for the little chicks to digest.
Cracked is a good choice if you want to add water to the feed and make a daily mash for them with oat meal consistency.

8 Weeks and Beyond
Our sprouting mix is perfect for those that want to see every ingredient, feed whole foods, and is budget friendly. It costs less to feed your flock right when choosing to ferment (soaking for 3 days) , sprout (Rinse and drain for 3-5 days), or grow to fodder for 7 -10 days. One 50 pound bag yields 100 pounds of fermented food, 150 pounds of sprouts, or 300 pounds of fodder.

16 Weeks and Beyond
Crumble is good for those looking to simply fill a feeder and go. Cracked is able to be fermented for up to 2 days and recommended if you want to feed a daily mash.
Use our free calculator (in Excel format) to help you determine how much starter, grower, layer, and sprouting mix to order based on your preference of how long you want it to last. Your decision to ferment, sprout, or feed dry makes a huge difference on the volume of dry feed required. Our calculator takes into consideration feed need based on current age and as your chickens grow.

The average chick consumes 1 pound of feed a week. Free choice grit is needed. Herbs are recommended.
Baby Chick Needs: Starter Feed with Grit Flock Starter Kit VIP Warm Travel
Starter Pullet Needs: Serenity Sprouting Kit Dust Bath 5 Gallon Auto Waterer & Feed