The Complete Hatching Experience brings our farm to you
Candle to capture the embryos develop. Our daily curriculum embeds real life experiences into memorable applications of English, math, science, art, responsibility, and more. Our incubator allows protective observation as the chicks emerge from their shells. Once dried into adorable balls of fluff, the brooder provides the right environment to thrive. Learning continues with nutrition learning, sprouting feed, and guessing the chicks breeds and sexes (chick and rooster homing options available). The education and bonding is truly priceless making it a worthy family investment. To allow more families to enjoy, we offer equipment buy back. Are you ready to witness the miracle of life in awe firsthand?
Whether you are an egg hatching pro (just needing eggs), or just getting started (needing the Complete Hatching Experience), we are proud to offer vast variety of hatching options. We offer rooster homing options to allow city families to enjoy hatching without the worry rooster homing.

This program is perfect for families, schools, business offices, and retirement communities that want to share the experience of hatching eggs with their kids, students, or special events.
The kit includes: (2) Auto-Turning Incubators, (18) fertile hatching eggs, a candling flashlight, a professional brooder complete with chick feeder, waterer, safe thermostat controlled heat source, 20lbs of organic chicken cereal with grit, sprouting jar with organic sprouting seeds, fundraiser opportunity, hatching games, experiment ideas, and educational curriculum, and guidance through the hatching experience for multiple age groups.
We will buy back equipment in good condition to help reduce your total financial investment. There is no time limit on equipment return. Enjoy it year after year, or return after one use. We offer additional hatching eggs by the dozen, so you can hatch as little or as much as you want!
If you need a safe home for the chicks once the learning event is over, select the rehoming option when ordering.
If you want the girls, but are not allowed roosters, you may select the option of having us home only the roosters.
We understand that most people are not able to determine the difference between male and females as chicks. Thus, we do not place time limit on the length of time it takes you to identify you have a rooster. Most signs are apparent around 5-6 weeks of age. However, you are welcome to keep until the boys start crowing.

We include (2) incubators with the intent that one is used for frequent candling and observation of embryo development and the other is not frequently opened to improve hatching success. The see through incubator allows the ability to witness all stages of hatching without interrupting the temperature and humidity needed for the chicks to survive.

We raise a large variety of rare and common chicken breeds. We include a random assortment of eggs that our hens decide to gift your family within 24 hours of your scheduled pick up. The eggs are unmarked as part of the fun is guessing and learning about all the different breeds’ features and characteristics.
Breed possibilities include: Ayam Cemani, Bielefelder, Plymouth Rock (Barred), Rhode Island Red, Wyandotte (Silver Laced, Gold Laced, Blue Laced Red), Barnevelder (Gold, Blue, Siliver), Orpington (Lavender, Isabel, Chocolate, Buff), Easter Eggers, Isbar (Blue, Black, Splash), Bresse (Blue , Black, White), Polish (Snow White, Golden Laced, Silver Laced, Buff laced, Blue Laced), Blue Partridge Brahma, Olive Eggers, Cream Legbar, Sussex (Speckled, Coronation), Cream Legbar, Salmon Favorolle, Marans (Blue Copper , Black Copper, Blue Birchen, Wheaten), Serenity Cross, and more!

We offer a replacement discount in the event; any of our eggs do not develop when incubated within 7 days. Simply bring us the eggs that have not developed on or before day 7 of your purchase, and get replacement eggs for only $1 each. This helps ensure a successful hatch and learning experience. We believe in providing extra support. Thus, if the incubator was not set up properly for the right temperature and humidity or the eggs drop and get damaged, we still offer the ability to replace.

Our engaging curriculum guides both the educator and the participants on a retention amplified learning experience for all age groups. Worksheets and experiments promote knowledge retention by adding emotion and relative importance of several subjects. The educator guide ensures eggs are incubated on the right day of the week so eggs hatch in the presence of students. You will receive a gift code to download all the games and curriculum.
A Serenity Brooder
Take the Mess out of Raising Chicks!
This is the same brooder system that we use for our baby chicks. It addresses all the main concerns families have about raising chickens. It is designed to eliminate stress in young birds (and owners) by providing plenty of automatic heat, fresh air, light, sanitary feed and water system, protection from cats or other indoor pets, and safe thermostat controlled heater.

Keep chicks feet away from walking on unsanitary conditions of their own feces.

The current most common illnesses amongst baby chicks are spread through feather dander or dropping contamination in their water. This brooder offers the most hygienic environment to reduce risk of Marek's and Coccidiosis. The droppings never have a chance to fall into their food nor water as they both hang on the outside of the brooder. Their feces are quickly dropped below through a 1/2" mesh flooring and land on an easy to clean pull out tray. By having a pull out tray instead of wood shavings you can quickly see if everyone's droppings look normal as you change their paper. Roll up and toss or use in the garden as compost.

Three clear plastic panels allow full and easy viewing and access. 28.5” feed/ water troughs provide ample feed and water space which is necessary to allow weaker chicks access in the presence of more dominant chicks. The troughs are mounted on the outside of the brooder. In addition to reducing the mess of cleaning droppings out of water and feed, it also saves on feed. Traditional feeders get pine shavings and potential droppings in them or the chicks scratch and make a food mess in their bedding. Designed to allow you to enjoy a weekend away and come back to healthy chicks.

The 300-watt heater provides sufficient heat while the vented plastic side panels keep out drafts. As chicks are drawn to light rather than heat, each heater has (2) low wattage attraction light bulbs, which helps to guide the chicks in the heated area. Each brooder comes with a thermometer and a wafer thermostat. Allowing complete control of their environment tempature.
It is far superior than other heater options. A standard heat lamp runs 24/7 while this energy saving system only turns on as needed. A standard heat lamp can cause a fire within 45 seconds of falling on the standard wood shavings used for bedding. A heating plate only warms when on causing chicks to be chilled by the room temperature air and when leaving the plate for food/water.

The see-through side panels allow children to safely watch the chicks in the brooder versus, the concern of excited kids accidently knocking a standard heat lamp into the brooder. Each side panel comes with an adjustable gate to regulate openings for chick size as they grow.
Brooder dimensions are 32" X 38" X 12".

I recommend a max 32 chicks up to 6 weeks of age then transition to outside in the standard height brooder system. If you want to grow your chicks out more than 6 weeks, add the optional height extension to allow up to 16 chicks to grow out up to 2.5 months.
Complete Hatching Experience
Complete Hatching Experience

02: Hatching Experience Overview

01: Egg Incubator Set Up

Day -1: Strength of an Egg - Pre-K Curriculum