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Examining Crops


We settled in Strasburg and began our self sufficient journey to rid ourselves of  futile city life and corporate jobs taking on a simpler (harder working) homestead lifestyle. We began our chicken journey to provide organic quality eggs for our family and escape the supermarket alternative. The addiction took hold quickly.  First was the obsession of obtaining all the gorgeous egg colors: blue, brown, white, cream, green, olive, aqua blue, sky blue, chocolate, green with speckles, tan with speckles, and pink.  Once we had all the breeds that gifted us with a beautiful egg basket, we were fascinated by the feather colors and  conservation of extremely rare breeds.


We began to raise extras for interested families which enables us to afford the care for the ones we keep. Meeting families and helping them learn about raising chickens struck a passion that we did not know existed. We enjoy helping families that are just getting started in their chicken and permaculture adventures.


I quickly began questioning why I would invest in raising our own chickens to feed the same nasty pellets that factory chickens are fed. After a lot of research, we were able to create our own Serenity Sprouting Mix. We offer whole foods/sprouts to our chickens and livestock. Not only are we able to feed them right with real organic food, but through methods of fermenting, sprouting, and/or growing to fodder, it is a cost savings over commercial pellet feed. This gives us something to be very proud of.


After assessing every life on the farm (plant, animal, human)  we determined the purpose of each, we take a permaculture approach on how we can enrich our animals lives, share with our local community, and become more and more self sustainable.


Uncovering the hardship cities families face when an accidental rooster occurred, we sprung into action to create our Pet Rooster Gentlemen's club.


Our passion for animals has driven us from the beginning, and continues to drive us into the future.  We strive to make the entire farm experience as rewarding and fun as possible. Get in touch with nature and let us know if you have any questions or requests a long the way.


Service as It Should Be

We consider each order a blessing to further our mission. Our terms and conditions allow adoption and product purchases to be a predictable and pleasant experience for all our customers. We believe clear communication and transparency from the start allows families to determine if purchasing from us is the best fit.  All orders from Serenity Sprouts are subject to the following terms and conditions, and any purchaser from Serenity Sprouts agrees to these terms and conditions as a prerequisite of ordering. There are no exceptions to these terms and conditions, so please read them carefully as all customers agree to abiding by them by placing an order. 

Ordering. Orders may be placed through our website. Clarifying questions should be asked prior to order placement. You may contact us via email or text 303-359-9484.  Any special requests must be approved prior to order placement.  Serenity Sprouts is a real working family farm. Our family stays busy taking care of our chickens and other livestock.  Our animals come first. So, there may be a delay in responding to your inquiries.  Please be patient.

Order Pick up. We do not believe in shipping live animals.  Orders must be picked up within 7 days of order placement. If pre-ordering, we will reach out once your order is ready and your order must be picked up within 7 days of order readiness.  After 7 days, your order will be deemed abandoned.  We may issue store credit for abandoned orders, however, do not provide refunds of any kind.  Puppy deposits are non-refundable.

Chicken Sexing Options.  We offer multiple options at time of purchase to let families determine which sexing method is best for them. We provide as much information on our website in effort to help families make the best decision based on their situation and lifestyle.

For families looking for a cost savings and want both roosters and hens, we recommend ordering unsexed chicks. We provide additional assistance to families purchasing unsexed chicks and end up with more roosters than desired. Roosters purchased as unsexed chicks from us get an intake fee discount in our pet rooster Gentleman's Club.

Our female sexing coverage is designed for families that live within city ordinances that do not allow roosters or families wanting a free home for any accidental rooster. To qualify for rehoming, the rooster must be healthy.  If the family decides to return the healthy rooster, a store credit in the amount of original purchase price is provided. As a family, you decide if you would rather return the healthy boy(s) for credit or if you have fallen in love with the boy(s) and prefer to keep him/them without credit.

Depending on the breed, sexing accuracy can range as low as 50% and as high as 97% . To learn more about how we sex baby chicks based on breed and how you can sex as they age, refer to our How to Sex Chickens page.

For families that get emotionally bonded quickly and do not want to risk a future discovery of a rooster, we offer DNA sexing.  This method is the only true accurate method of sexing baby chicks. Laboratory results certify 99.9% accuracy.  DNA testing is a significantly higher financial investment.  The laboratory results can take 1-2 weeks after sample submission. DNA sexed chicks need to be picked up within 7 days of being ready.  We are not able to extend free boarding.  If exceeding 7 days, the original order will be forfeited.  We are able to provide a store credit to allow reordering minus an unrecoverable $65 DNA testing fee.

Keeping your Flock Healthy with Biosecurity.  It is recommended to keep new birds separate from your other birds for at least 30 days.  Prepare a plan to quarantine birds in the event of an emergency such as injury or illness.  Equipment, brooder, and coop should be disinfected before use.   Oxine is a powerful organic farm approved disinfectant.  Most chicken illnesses are spread through feather dander, feces, and bodily fluids.  Wild bird exposure, pet shows, pet stores, feed stores, and animal swaps are typically at higher risk of spreading illnesses.   Cleaning and disinfecting your clothing, hair, hands, and shoes is recommended, if you have been near other animals especially birds.   It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap, water, and a disinfectant before and after handling your birds.  Keep living areas clean and change food and water daily. Make sure bedding is never damp.  

In choosing to adopt, you are agreeing to take full responsibility of any live animal adopted and treat them humanely (even if completing the lifecycle through consumption).

Prorated 10 day Life Insurance on Female Chicks. Baby chicks are especially vulnerable to a myriad of mortality risks and raising chickens provides numerous life cycle lessons.  Coal miners used canaries as an early warning system for toxic gases such as carbon monoxide or methane as bird loss occurs easily with exposure. Families wanting to maintain chickens as pets need to be emotionally prepared for loss when it occurs.   There are several flock management techniques that can decrease the risk.  We openly share any tips we have learned through personal experience. To help reduce the financial loss due to a predator attack, pet sitter mishap, illness, unnoticed birth defect, and/or accident resulting in death, we offer a generous complimentary Life Insurance for chicks purchased as female.

Time of loss is calculated from time of pickup to the time photo proof of loss is received via text to 303-359-9484.                                                            

<24 hours = Store credit of 100% of original purchase price

<48 hours = Store credit of 75% of original purchase price

<72 hours = Store credit of 50% of original purchase price

<10 days = Store credit of 20% of original purchase price

No credit issued for female chick loss experienced over 10 days.  We extend the prorated life insurance coverage up to 30 days with the purchase of our Complete Flock Starter Kit. This extends 20% store credit for loss reported between day 10 and day 30.

Our unsexed chicks are deeply discounted. Thus, there is no life insurance coverage of any kind for roosters or unsexed chicks. Do not adopt any chicks that you do not want to take full ownership of their current and future health. Life insurance does not provide coverage for any vet or medical cost you decide to incur to help support the well-being of your flock. The sole purpose of this coverage is to provide financial relief in the unfortunate event of needing to replace a deceased chick.

In the event of a loss, text a photo of the decease chick to phone number 303-359-9484. Provide first and last name, order number, breed, and  any details of what occurred.

Chicken Quality You Should Expect. You should expect birds that reflect the fundamental attributes of the breed. You should not expect a cosmetically perfect bird. In fact, you should expect to find some defects in virtually every bird you raise. Just as every child is not destined to become a supermodel, every bird is not destined to win ribbons at shows. Only a tiny fraction of chickens conform to their breed standard in all respects.  While many of our birds have done well in 4H and other shows, we do not represent that every bird we sell is show quality or is flawless. You should receive birds that can be the foundation for a breeding program that with enough time and skill can produce show-quality birds. You should also realize that the rarer the breed, the more likely you are to encounter problems related to inbreeding. For some breeds and varieties that we sell, the global breeding population consists of fewer than a dozen hens. We cull for obvious defects like crooked toes, scissor beak, but low fertility, low egg production, low disease resistance, and other challenges are not uncommon with extremely rare breeds. If you encounter these challenges when the birds become adults, you will need to address them with your own breeding plan.


Puppy Vaccinations.  We vaccinate and preventatively deworm all puppies before they turn 8 weeks old.

Kitten Vaccinations. We vaccinate all kittens before they turn 8 weeks old.

Chicken Vaccinations.  We offer the option to vaccinate baby chicks for Mareks.

Health Care Responsibility.  Once picked up, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for the current and future health of all adopted animals.  Any and all health inspections need to be done at time of pick up. Do not adopt any animals in which you are not willing to accept full responsibility for.  We do not offer refunds for any reason. 

Refunds/Store Credit Policy. We do not offer refunds of any kind.  Store credit is limited to Sexing Guarantee Coverage, and Female Prorated Chick Life Insurance. Store credit gift codes are valid for up to 1 year after being issued.

Curbside Order Pick up in Strasburg, CO

We do not ship live animals.

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©2018 by Serenity Sprouts
Local Farming through permaculture routes.
Every life (plant, animal, human) has a purpose that counts.

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